Follow Your Arrow

Dreaming is one thing, but actually following where your Arrow points is another.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Try, Try, and Try Again

I finally did it!
I did what i have been talking about doing my whole life. 
I actually went and Auditioned for a big time music show.
The Voice.
On August 12, 2012
I did something I had only talked about. 
I had one of the biggest auditions of my life. 
I know it isn't the most fabulous thing someone could do.
But the fact that i actually did it, That is something to be proud of.
Although i didn't make it further than that one auditon, 
you have to start somewhere.
Life isn't just handed to people.
You have to jump and see where you land.
Sometimes you land on your feet and sometimes you land on your tush.
I know that tecnically i didn't make it, I still feel like i landed on my feet. 
I now have a good idea of what the auditions are like and i can be more prepared for next time.
Yes, there will be a next time.
I don't want to just say, "oh i didn't make it, i guess i'm not good enough" 
No one EVER got anywhere by saying that.
People don't usually make it their first time trying. 
I knew that when i went into this whole thing.
I never expected to go on to win The Voice this time.
But I also don't want to say there isn't a chance that i could.
I think that if i apply myself and keep trying that only good things can come out of it.
And even if i don't make it super far in that career, I can never say i didn't TRY! :) 

 "If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
-Michael Jordan

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