Follow Your Arrow

Dreaming is one thing, but actually following where your Arrow points is another.

Friday, June 15, 2012


For those of you who know me, you will know that i am not a morning person. 
 I hate waking up, and i hate morning people. 
I much prefer nights.  
 I will how ever agree to the fact that you do get more done when you rise early, but that does not mean i loathe it any less. 
Sunrises are beautiful with out a doubt, but i prefer west over east.  
Birds singing their songs in the morning is lovely, but i prefer dreams. 
One main thing i hate about mornings though is getting ready. 
 I don't know about you but when i wake up my eyes are puffy, 
my nose is runny, and my lips are sown shut! 
 Staying awake in the shower is also an enormous struggle for me. 
 I close my eyes while washing my hair, and that makes me fall over from lack of balance.
 I always manage to cut my legs while shaving, because while doing so my mind drifts off to no mans land and i come back to red and pain.  
Then there is the issue with the drain at our apartment... our drain hates us and while the shower head is on, it wont drain unless you hold down the drain stopper. 
 So me trying to be clever and also me just hating to stand in my dirty water (figuring this out at night while i was very much awake) i would hold it down with my foot while washing my hair.  
This has become a habit for me now while showering, but i go back to the statement where i close my eyes while washing my hair... I struggle as it is to balance, now add standing on one foot, washing my hair, holding down the drain with one foot, eyes closed and then water.  
Yes this is a huge struggle for me... 
After getting out of the shower it is time to do my hair I flip it over 
and i start to "scrunch" dry my hair. 
 after that is done, more like after i gave up, i move to my make up 
  Its summer time and i am trying the less is more effect.  
Although i do not wear this well. 
 I know i look much better with make up on, so i guess this goes without saying i'm just being lazy. but i go about putting as little make up as i can afford, 
and i look at myself and i think.... 
who the hell are you, and where am i? 
 Does that ever happen to you?? 
 You look in the mirror and the person staring back at you is not someone you recognize?
 That is me lately. 
Eyes are squinted (i don't know why), nose is red (sunburn), face is slightly tanner (don't know why this would be a bad thing), and still haven't opened my mouth. 
This is not normal. 
 Anyways, i move on, after trying several things to get the normal looking me to emerge,  to getting dressed. 
I have a work uniform so that is not a problem in the "what to wear today game" that i play daily,
 but its what to wear to the second job that always gets me in a funk.  
 There is no uniform at that one, and i work with only girls.  
You might think, oh well you don't need to worry about getting ready or looking good then, no one to impress there...  
 These girls are all very beautiful! 
 They always look good and care too,
Even when they don't try, they still manage to pull it off. 
This drives me bonkers!!! 
 When i want the i don't care look, i still have to work for it.  
 I honestly feel like i need to get ready more than i would if there were guys there. 
 Its a messed up life i'm in i know.  
After finally deciding on something i head out the door to work.... 
And then my day finally begins....
 All this happens without me saying a single word....  
 i don't talk in the mornings, so don't try talking to me.  You'll just get a glare. 

This is how my mornings go... every. single. day.

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